Oil Saturation Adjustment Due to Combination Drive
For the case of combination drive, both water and gas invasion zone is incorporated
in the saturation equation given as:
Determination of Present GOC and OWC from
Material Balance Equation
Step 1: Determine the bulk volume of the reservoir rock at each depth interval
Step 2: Make a plot of depth versus the bulk volume
Step 3: Calculate the cumulative water influx from the general material balance
equation (We)
Step 4: Calculate the volume of oil displaced by water (Net water influx into the
reservoir) (OW ¼ We Wp)
Step 5: Calculate the reservoir volume liberated gas (GL)
GL¼ NRsi N Np
Step 6: Calculate the expansion of the primary gas cap (Ge)
Ge ¼ mNBoi
Step 7: Calculate the gas drive (GD)
GD ¼ GL þ Ge
Step 8: Calculate the produced excess gas (Gpe)
Gpe ¼ Np Rp Rs
Step 9: Calculate the volume of oil displaced by the gas (Og)