General Equipment, Communication, and Personnel Related Problems

Most drilling problems result from unseen forces in the subsurface. The 

major causes of these problems are related to equipment, gap in proper 

communication, and issues related to human errors (personnel-related). 

However, there are drilling problems that are directly related to formation, 

operational hazard, and geology. This section discusses the equipment, 

communication, and personnel-related problems. Equipment

The integrity of drilling equipment and its maintenance are major factors 

in minimizing drilling problems. However, the equipment involved can 

also be a source of problems in addition to communication and personnel￾related issues. Drilling problems can significantly be reduced by proper rig 

hydraulics (i.e., pump power) for efficient mud circulation, proper hoisting 

power for efficient tripping out, proper derrick design loads and drilling 

line tension load to allow safe overpull in case of a stuck pipe problem, and 

well-control systems (ram preventers, annular preventers, internal preven￾ters) that allow kick control under any kick situation. Specific mud prop￾erties and required horsepower are needed for bottom hole and annular 

space cleaning, proper gel strength to hold the cuttings. Proper monitoring 

and recording systems are necessary to monitor trend changes in all drill￾ing parameters and can retrieve drilling data at a later date. Proper tubular 

hardware is specifically required to accommodate all anticipated drill￾ing conditions. Effective mud-handling and maintenance equipment will 

ensure the mud properties that are designed for their intended functions. 

The following drilling equipment may create potential drilling problems 

while drilling: i) rig pumps, ii) solids control equipment, iii) the rotary 

system, iv) the swivel, v) the well control system, and vi) offshore drilling. 

In the majority of cases, equipment failure may happen due to corrosion in 

addition to bending, fatigue, and buckling.

The integrity of drilling equipment and its maintenance are major fac￾tors in minimizing drilling problems. The following are all necessary for 

reducing drilling problems:

Proper rig hydraulics (pump power) for efficient bottom and 

annular hole cleaning

Proper hoisting power for efficient tripping out

Proper derrick design loads and drilling line tension load to 

allow safe overpull in case of a sticking problem

Well-control systems that allow kick control under any kick 

situation (i.e., proper maintenance of ram preventers, annu￾lar preventers, and internal preventers)

Proper monitoring and recording systems that monitor 

trend changes in all drilling parameters and can retrieve 

drilling data at a later date

Proper tubular hardware specifically suited to accommodate 

all anticipated drilling conditions

Effective mud-handling and maintenance equipment (i.e., it 

will ensure that the mud properties are designed for their 

intended functions) Case Study

Inspection of the below-grade wellhead equipment has shown corrosion 

damage to the buried landing base, casing spools and surface casing, espe￾cially in water injection and supply wells in onshore fields in the Middle 

East. Occurrence of corrosion damage has been a concern in the buried 

wellhead equipment and surface casing immediately below the landing 

base in the onshore fields. Initial random inspections of the below-grade 

wellhead equipment in the mid-eighties showed corrosion damage to the 

buried landing base, casing spools, and surface casing. Typical landing base 

and surface casing equipment for onshore wells is depicted in Figure 2.2. 

The 13-3/8 casing is either welded or screwed on to the 13-3/8 l3-5/8

landing base. The 18-5/8 conductor pipe is cemented at a distance ranging 

from a few inches to 2–3 feet below the landing base.

                          Procedure and Data: A typical landing base inspection operation involves 

excavating the cellar to below the landing base to expose three to six feet 

of the surface casing or until hard cement is encountered below the land￾ing base, whichever is earlier. The exposed section is sand blasted and 

then inspected for evidence of corrosion. The data from such inspections 

for the last six years (1991 through 1996) is presented in Table 2.1, while 

Figures 2.3–2.5 illustrate some cases of severe corrosion damage on the 

landing base and surface casing on oil as well as water wells.

Causes: The damage was occurring in spite of an apparently success￾ful cathodic protection program that has reduced the number of casing 

leaks due to external corrosion damage. The possible causes of the cor￾rosion damage were: leakage of water from surface piping and wellhead 

valves during various operations on water related wells, presence of highly 

saline and corrosive water close to surface in the area, and impediments to 

effective cathodic protection at shallow depths.

Preliminary Solution: In view of the safety and environmental hazards 

associated with possible shallow leaks from corroded casing or failure of 

wellhead equipment, a number of steps have been taken to control the dam￾age. These include regular inspection and repairs at regular intervals, pro￾tection with field-applied corrosion resistant coatings, and a requirement 

to coat all new wells immediately after the rig release.

Lessons learned: Corrosion damage could jeopardize well safety to the 

below-grade wellhead equipment and the upper few feet of the surface 

casing. This was recognized as a potential problem and it could result in 

flow of well fluids outside the wellbore. An effective protection program 


has been implemented that includes regular inspection, standardized
repair procedures, and initial protection of all new wells with protective
coatings as well as sacrificial anodes. Communication
There are no better issues in drilling process safety than communication.
Communication in drilling begins before the first foot is drilled. It begins
in the pre-planning and pre-spud meeting. Communication does not
stop at the pre-spud meeting, rather continues throughout all the various
meetings that are held. At the operator/contractor meeting, which should
be private, operators need to review their respective responsibilities, the
multimedia messaging service (MMS) requirements, the IADC report, the
BOP drills (e.g., reaction and trip drills), land covenants and the BOP clos￾ing-in procedure. The pre-cement meeting is more of a people plan. The
responsibilities of the company supervisor, drilling engineer, tool pusher,
driller, feed pump operator, chief cementing engineer and mud engineer
are all spelled out and delegated.
In addition to good communication at the various meetings, there also
needs to be good communication between the crew and the home office. The 

crew on-site needs to be very thoughtful and detailed in their reports of any
problems. Their communication needs to include the trends and related facts,
their operational plan to correct the problem and their recommendations.
Besides communication between the various parties, there is another
type of communication which is extremely important in a drilling opera￾tion. The driller must learn to communicate with the bottom of the hole. He
can do this through monitoring trends. The various trends tell the driller
exactly what is happening down below and gives him the information that
everyone needs to make critical decisions on a daily basis. In order to see
these trends, they must be written down. Some of these trends that he must
monitor include: i) pressure and stroke trends, ii) torque trends, iii) drag
trends, iv) rate of penetration trends, v) mud trends, and vi) pit trends.
The trends, daily reports, appraisals and other records are all effective
tools in communication. The logging records help the geologists pick their
sites and make better plans. The bit records help the drilling team in their
future bit selection. The reports and records help the engineer do his post￾appraisal of the well. It helps him to determine whether the program was
followed or the deviations were necessary and how future programs can be
improved during planning. Good communication helps management to
properly supervise and optimize their operations.
Good drilling training programs do not merely give out information,
they help drillers, engineers, rig foremen, and service companies learn to
communicate with each other, optimize their drilling operations, and prop￾erly supervise the well. When Bill Murchison started Murchison Drilling
Schools in 1977, he set out five objectives for his Operations Drilling
Technology and Advanced Well Control Course. They were: i) how to
supervise a drilling operation, ii) how to preplan field operations, iii) how
to analyze and solve drilling problems, iv) how to prevent unscheduled
events, and v) how to communicate on the rig. Twenty-four years later,
the same five objectives are helping companies around the world to super￾vise, optimize, and communicate better on the rig. The training has proved
so valuable that many oil companies, contractors, and service companies
have made it standard policy to put all their new service men through
the Murchison Drilling Schools Operations Drilling Technology and
Advanced Well Control Course. It has become part of their overall training
that they receive before going out into the field.
In order for effective communication to take place in that meeting, many
issues must be considered. Here are just a few of those considerations:
1. The meeting must be well planned by the engineer (e.g., he
must meet with a number of people before he even makes
his plans).
The purpose of the meeting needs to be very clearly spelled
out. Here are five purposes for that pre-spud meeting: i) to
open all doors of communication, ii) to reduce unscheduled
events, iii) to review the well plans, iv) to review the geologi￾cal considerations, and finally v) to coordinate the responsi￾bilities between the contractors, service companies and the
operators. The meeting must have an agenda which helps
accomplish these purposes.
3. The meeting needs to have the presence of the right people.
The operator’s superintendent and the contractor’s superinten￾dent both need to be there. The tool pushers and drillers, the
foremen, the engineers, the geologist, the offshore installation
manager and the representatives from the service companies
all need to be at this meeting. Unless all these key individu￾als are at the meeting to both communicate their concerns
with others and come to a mutual understanding of how the
program is to be implemented, the efficiency, profitability and
success of the entire drilling operation is jeopardized. Personnel
Given equal conditions during drilling/completion operations, person￾nel are the key to the success or failure of those operations. Overall well
costs as a result of any drilling/completion problem can be extremely high.
Therefore, continuing education and training for personnel directly or
indirectly involved is essential to successful drilling/completion practices.
For example, four of every five major offshore accidents are caused by
human errors. This highlights the need to make safety, which is the back￾bone of any offshore company’s corporate culture. Over recent years, there
has been a growing recognition of the importance of human factors in the
management of safety-critical industries. Many of the concepts are new to
the oil and gas industry with much of the seminal work and development
of techniques having arisen from the nuclear and aviation domains. These
have set the standard for human factors practice.
Human factors has identified the aetiology of most major incidents as
being linked to human failure. The findings have been that, although most
will have multiple causes, over 80% will have a cause which is related to
human performance. Human factors is a relatively new science. It is con￾cerned with adapting technology and the environment to the capacities
and limitations of humans. The challenge for human factors is to act in a
prescriptive way to make systems and working practices safer and more 
efficient. Many drilling incidents have been found relating to human fac￾tors. However, currently there is not yet a special approach by which drill￾ing safety professionals may rationally evaluate the actual human factor
risk lever and accordingly select appropriate risk control measures for a
given drilling process.
It has been found that more than 80% of incidents are related to human
factors in the global drilling industry. After studying the human error fea￾tures in 59 serious drilling blowout cases from 1970 to 2006 in China, it
shows that the percentage of the human factor as direct cause of a blow￾out incident can reach 93.53%. It includes the individual violation and
management deficiency which reveals the human factor.
Up to now, there is no special approach by which drilling safety profes￾sionals may rationally evaluate the actual human factor risk control and
accordingly select appropriate risk control measures for a given drilling
process. Therefore, it is necessary to create a special method for quanti￾ficational evaluation of the drilling human factor risks, so that strategi￾cally measures can be taken to control the risks associated with drilling
Many accident investigation techniques and other methods used by the
petroleum industry today list a set of underlying human-related causes and
subsequent improvement suggestions. Norsok (2001) defines an accident
as “an acute unwanted and unplanned event or chain of events resulting in
loss of lives or injury to health, environment or financial values.” Another
way of putting it is energy gone astray (Hovden et al., 2012). What differen￾tiates two accidents is primarily the type and amount of energy astray. The
knowledge of accidents is important in order to operate with efficient risk
management and preventative work. In order to increase the knowledge of
accidents, they must be investigated. Accident investigation models aim to
simplify complex events to something tangible and understandable.
2.1.4 Stacked Tools
Stacked tool is defined as “if a tool is lost or the drillstring breaks, the
obstruction in the well is called junk or fish.” It cannot be drilled through if
there is stacked tool. The preventive measure is to educate the crew. Special
grabbing tools are used to retrieve the junk in a process called fishing.
In extreme cases, explosives can be used to blow up the junk and then the
pieces can be retrieved with a magnet.
Wellbore debris is responsible for many of the problems and much of
the extra costs associated with producing wells, especially in extreme water
depths and highly deviated holes. Even a small piece of debris at the right 
place at the wrong time can jeopardize well production. For this reason,
debris management has become a major concern for oil and gas producers.
Considering rig rates and completion equipment costs, debris removal is
moving into the realm of risk management.
A clean wellbore is not only a prerequisite for trouble-free well testing
and completion. It also helps ensure optimum production for the life of the
well. Debris left in the wellbore can ruin a complex, multimillion-dollar
completion. It can prevent a completion from reaching total depth. It will
never reach an optimum production level. These issues are pushing the
industry to create reliable, efficient systems for quickly ridding of wellbores
harmful debris and larger pieces of junk.
If a tool is lost or the drillstring breaks, the obstruction in the well is
called junk or fish. It cannot be drilled through. Special gripping tools are
used to retrieve the junk through a process called fishing. In extreme cases,
explosives can be used to blow up the junk and then the pieces can be
retrieved with a magnet.
During the stacked tool problem, the remedial measures are run the
junk basket, run basket with collapsible teeth (e.g., “Poor Boy” Basket),
and run magnet. Objects Dropped into the Well
Despite utmost care, wrenches, nut-bolts, rocks or any objects (i.e., rather
than fishing objects) are inadvertently dropped into the borehole while
drilling. In addition, the LS-100 (The LS-100 is a small, portable mud rotary
drilling machine manufactured by Lone Star Bit Company in Houston,
Texas) is often operated near its design limits with a high degree of struc￾tural stress on the drill stems and tools. This will encounter unexpected
layers of very soft sand or filter or hard rock. As a result, it can cause caving
or tool breakage. Sometimes, the entire drillpipe can be lost in the hole.
If objects are dropped into the borehole after the final depth has been
reached, it may be possible to leave them there and still complete the well.
If this is not the case, it may be possible to make a “fishing” tool to set-up
on the lost gear. For example, if a length of well screen falls down the bore￾hole, it may be possible to send other sections down with a pointed tip on
the end and “catch” the lost casing by cramming the pointed end forcefully
into it. These types of “fishing” exercises require innovation and resource￾fulness suitable to the circumstances. While this task may appear to be
routine, there is no single “right” way of conducting this operation. If sedi￾ments have caved in on top of the drill bit or other tools, circulation should
be resumed in the hole and the fishing tool placed over the lost equipment. 
If the lost tools/bits/drillpipes are not critical, it is best to avoid retrieval
efforts, instead, resorting to just changing the location somewhat and start￾ing to drill a new hole. Even if the equipment is important, it is still best to
start drilling at a new location while others try to retrieve it since consid￾erable time can be spent on retrieval and there is a low likelihood of suc￾cess. The decision to retrieve can be set aside while continuing the drilling
operation. Case Study
An employee was operating a workbasket inside the substructure while
doing various tasks in preparation to nipple down the annular. He had used
a 5-pound (2.3 kg) shop hammer several minutes prior to the incident in
order to break out the annular hydraulic lines. After he completed the task,
he dropped the hammer to the bottom of the man-basket. While he was
moving throughout the basket to arrange the BOP handler (chain hoist),
the 5-pound (2.3 kg) hammer was accidentally “kicked” out of the basket.
It was “launched” approximately 10 feet (3 meters) down to the driller’s
side of the substructure where it struck another employee on the hard hat.
The impact of the hammer created a pinch point between the hard hat and
his safety glasses, thus resulting in a laceration below his left eyebrow.
Cause of the incident: i) The hammer was not secured or tethered after use,
ii) employees were standing in the “line of fire” watching the employee in
the work basket complete his work, iii) the employee operating the work
basket did not call a “stop task” to move other employees out of the “danger
area”, and iv) poor housekeeping procedures in the work basket (i.e., the
hammer and other items were not placed or secured properly).
Corrective Actions: To address this incident, this company did the follow￾ing: i) employees were reminded of the importance of tethering / securing
any tools when working overhead, even when working in a work basket, ii)
personnel were instructed to discuss “line of fire” for any work, especially
when the potential for a dropped or “launched” object existed, iii) person￾nel were instructed to discuss application of Stop Work Authority (obliga￾tion) and were reminded that SWA includes stopping and asking other
personnel / bystanders to move from a “danger area”, and iv) the JSA /
Work Plan for operating in a work basket must be reviewed/revised to
include the importance of keeping the lift basket orderly (i.e., housekeep￾ing must be maintained).
It is noted that this case study was taken from AIDC website for study
Fishing Operations
Fishing is the process of removing equipment that has become stuck or
lost in the wellbore. Its name derives from a period in which a hook, simi￾lar to fishing hooks, used to be attached to a line before lowering into the
borehole in order to extract the lost item. From that period onward, any
object dropped or stuck in a well that interferes with its normal operations
is called a fish and is targeted for removal from the well. The operation of
removing these objects is called a “fishing job”. Typically, in drilling vocab￾ulary, a fishing job is simply called ‘fishing’. The fish, or lost object, is classi￾fied as tubular (e.g., drillpipe, drill collars, tubing, casing, logging tools, test
tools, and tubing) or miscellaneous (e.g., bit cones, small tools, wire line,
chain, hand tools, tong parts, slip segments, and junk). Industry-wide, 25%
of drilling costs may be attributed to fishing. Fishing jobs are classified into
three categories: i) open hole fishing: when there is no casing in the area
of fishing, ii) cased hole fishing: when the fish is inside the casing, and iii)
thru-tubing: when it is necessary to fish through the restriction of a smaller
pipe size (tubing). Figure 2.6 shows the basic fishing tools including the
spear and socket, each with milled edges. Using nails and wax, an impres￾sion block helps determine what is stuck downhole. Anything that goes in
the hole can be left there and anything with an outside diameter less than
that of the hole can be dropped in it. After a fishing job begins, any and/or 
all fishing tools in the hole may themselves have to be removed by fishing.
So precautions should be taken.
The most causes of fishing jobs are i) twist-off, ii) sticking of the drill￾string, iii) bit and tool failures, and iv) foreign objects such as hand tools,
logging instruments, and broken wire line or cable lost in the hole. When
the preparation for a fishing job becomes necessary in an uncased hole,
one has to find out as much as possible about the situation before taking
action. In addition, the questions that need to be answered before fishing
operation are: i) what is to be fished out of the hole?, ii) is the fish stuck, or
is it resting freely?, iii) if stuck, what is causing it to be stuck?, iv) what is
the condition in the hole?, v) what are the size and condition of the fish?,
vi) could fishing tools be run inside or outside the fish?, vii) could other
tools be run through the fishing assembly that is to be used?, viii) are there
at least two ways to get loose from the fish if it cannot be freed?
Any fishing operation in an open or cased hole involves the usage and
operation of the following tools and accessories: i) spears and overshoots,
ii) internal and external cutters, iii) milling tools, iv) taps and die collars,
v) washover pipe – a) washover pipe overshot (releasable), b) washover
pipe back-off connector, and c) washover pipe drill collar spear, vi) acces￾sories – a) bumper jar, b) mechanical jar, c) hydraulic jar, d) jar accelera￾tor, e) hydraulic pull tool, and f) reversing tool, vii) safety joints, viii) junk
retrievers, ix) impression blocks. In a fishing job involving the drillstring,
the operator can often ascertain whether or not the lost drillpipe is stuck
in the hole by determining what happened just before it was lost. The stuck
pipe problems will be discussed in Chapter 7.
History of the Fishing: During early years of petroleum well drilling,
spring-pole cable tools were used instead of rotary drilling. Drillers used a
hook connected by hemp rope to the pole in order to recover drilling tools
inadvertently left in the wellbore. The physical and operational similarity
to the angler’s art resulted in the process of lost tool recovery being named
“fishing” (Moore 1955). The Prud’homme family plantation near Bermuda,
Louisiana, displays in its museum a set of rotary drilling equipment, includ￾ing fishing tools, used to dig three water wells in 1823. A French engineer
designed this equipment, and an African technician built it (Brantly, 1961).
Both rotation and reciprocation were powered by a fifteen-man prime
mover. Most fishing tools were designed for cable-tool drilling and for
production operations, then adapted for rotary drilling. Fishing tools have
been necessary ever since commercial drilling operations were started.
It is generally accepted that fishing operations account for 25% of drilling
costs worldwide (Short, 1995). Since fishing is a non-routine procedure, 

all personnel connected with a given operation are more likely to commit
operational error. Study on fishing art is needed which can be beneficial for
engineering, geological, operational, and accounting staff.
Conventional Fishing: In oil-field operations, fishing is the technique of
removing lost or stuck objects from the wellbore. The term fishing is taken
from the early days of cable-tool drilling. At that time, when a wireline
would break, a crew member put a hook on a line and attempted to catch
the wireline to retrieve, or “fish for,” the tool. Necessity and ingenuity led
these oil-field fishers to develop new attraction. The trial-and-error meth￾ods of industry’s early days built the foundation for many of the catch tools
used currently. A fish can be any number of things, including: (i) stuck pipe,
(ii) broken pipe, (iii) drill collars, (iv) bits, (v) bit cones, (vi) dropped hand
tools, (vii) sanded-up or mud-stuck pipe, (viii) stuck packers, or (ix) other
junk in the hole. There are some conventional fishing jobs such as: (i) wash
overs, (ii) overshot runs, (iii) spear runs, (iv) wireline fishing, (v) stripping
jobs, and (vi) jar runs which are among many fishing techniques developed
to deal with the different varieties of fish.
Some care should be taken when an object is pulled out of the hole with
most tools and fishing so it does not create a swelling action. Care should
also be taken to prevent pulling into a tight place such as a key seat so you
cannot go back down. Fishing jobs are very much a part of the planning
process in drilling and workover operations. Drill operators will often bud￾get for fishing with the increasing cost of rig time and depth, and due to
more complicated wells. When a fishing operation is planned for a work￾over, the operator will work closely with a fishing-tool company to design a
procedure and develop a cost estimate. Taking into account the probability
of success, the cost of a fishing job has to be less than the cost of redrilling
or sidetracking the well for it to make economic sense.
Figure 2.7 shows the bit components such as bit cones, nozzles, and
other pieces of junk which are typically small enough to be retrieved by a
magnet (Figure 2.8) or junk basket (Figure 2.9). The most common fish is
bit cones. Cones are run off for several reasons: i) poor solids control, ii)
poor hydraulics, iii) improper bit choice, iv) operator error such as drop￾ping or pinching, v) manufacturing defects, vi) excessive time on bottom,
vii) inordinately abrasive lithology, and viii) unsuspected junk on bot￾tom. Magnet is used to retrieve small pieces of ferrous material from the
hole. Some junk magnets have circulating ports that enable cuttings to be
washed away from the junk. In general, circulation of drilling fluid lifts
the junk off-bottom. Beneath the tool joint, mud velocity decreases as the
annulus grows wider. This decrease in mud velocity allows the junk to 

use a wedding band (collar clamp). Make-up torque failures can be avoided
by the use of a gauge. Wear can be found by inspection, collar clamp loss
stopped by adequate supervision, and harmonic stress can be minimized
by proper rotary speed. Poor shopping is a matter that is harder to deal
with, and it seems to be on the increase. As shown in Figure 2.10, excessive
torque can cause a drillstring to part downhole. Here (left), the drillpipe
has twisted off beneath the tool joint. Even thick-walled drill collars may
be subjected to wear and fatigue.
Figure 2.11 shows the overshot assembly, which is divided into three
segments. The top sub connects the overshot to workstring. The bowl has 

a tapered helical design to accommodate a grapple, which holds the fish in
place. The guide helps position the overshot onto the fish.
Fishing for Bit Cones, Tong Dies, and Small Tools: When the bit is on the
bank and the small junk is in the hole, several choices present themselves.
If the hole is mudded up and a fishing magnet is immediately available, go
directly back to bottom and try to catch the fish. If not mudded up, or if a
magnet is not on location, run a used bit below two junk subs and attempt to
bust and wash by the junk. If no hole can be made, mud up and call for a junk
basket. When it arrives or mud up is complete, round trip placing the junk
basket on bottom. Cut hole equivalent to the length of the junk basket and
withdraw from the hole. The junk basket is similar to a core barrel and will
retain the fish and core by means of retainer springs. If the fish is recovered,
drill ahead. If not, run a used bit and attempt to drill and wash by them. If no
hole can be made, mill the junk with a concave mill. The concavity will center
the cones or tools and bust them up. The two junk subs should remain in the
string until the iron has been accounted for. Especial care should be taken to
remove all metal junk from the hole before a diamond or P.D.C. bit is run.
Milling: Besides the dressing of fish tops, mills are used to grind up junk
(Figure 2.12). They are also used to cut casing windows, to ream out
casing, to cut fishing necks, and to mill up tubulars that cannot be fished
(e.g., drillpipe cemented in the hole). Clustered tungsten carbide such as
Klustrite is used to face mills. Larger particles are used for milling larger
objects. Too much weight will knock the larger particles off the mill face.
High speed and high weight certainly do not invariably yield high rate of
penetration. One or two magnets should be used in the possum belly and
cleaned continuously while milling. Cuttings are known to build up in the
stack, which should be inspected and cleaned as needed.
Fishing Equation: The decision to fish or not must be weighed
against a need to preserve the wellbore, recover costly equipment or 

comply with regulations. Each choice is fraught with its own costs, risks
and repercussions. Before committing to a specific course of action, the
operator must consider a number of factors: i) well parameters: proposed
total depth, current depth, depth to top of the fish and daily rig operating
costs, ii) Lost-in-hole costs: the value of the fish minus the cost of any
components covered by tool insurance, iii) fishing costs: daily fee for
fishing expertise and daily rental charges for fishing tools and jars, and
iv) fishing timetable: time spent mobilizing fishing tools and personnel,
estimated duration of the fishing job and the probability of success.
Earlier research has derived equations to determine how long fish￾ing operations can be economically justified. These were based on Gulf
of Mexico wells. The work presented here investigates the economics of
fishing in the North Sea. The effort was justified by an early BP task force
review, which showed that the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea have sig￾nificantly different sticking problems. In the Gulf of Mexico, most stuck
pipe is due to differential sticking. Spotting a diesel based pill is considered
to be the most successful remedy. In the North Sea, mechanical sticking is
the major problem and the best remedial action is less obvious. Spotting a
pill is only one option among a number of possible options. In 1984, Keller
et al. (1984) introduced the concept of Economic Fishing Time (EFT).
They developed an equation to calculate the time at which the cost of fish￾ing becomes equal to the cost of an immediate side-track. They considered
that probability of successful fishing can be estimated as:

The fishing times an EFT were characterized using the Weibull distribution
which has the following probability density function (PDF)

Economic Considerations: There is an important trade-off that must be
considered during any fishing operation. Although the actual cost of a
fishing operation is normally small compared to the cost of the drilling
rig and other investments in support of the overall drilling operation, if
a fish or junk cannot be removed from the borehole in a timely fashion,
it may be necessary to sidetrack (i.e., directionally drill around the
obstruction) or drill another borehole. Thus, the economics of the fishing 
operation and the other incurred costs at the well site must be carefully
and continuously assessed while the fishing operation is underway. It is
very important to know when to terminate the fishing operation and get
on with the primary objective of drilling a well. In such case, Eq. (2.1) can
be rewritten in terms of number of days (Df
) that should be allowed for
fishing operation as:

Optimum Fishing Time (OFT): OFT is an economically attractive alter￾native to EFT because it attempts to minimize total costs. When fishing
operations are started, there are only two possible outcomes: getting free or
failing to free. The costs associated with these outcomes are:

OFT is the point at which the gradient becomes zero which can be
derived from Eq. (2.11) as: