Treatment Execution

Treatment Execution

Schlumberger develops innovative methods and provides the right equipment to perform stimulation treatments in any environment.
Candidate Recognition

Analyzing client data is critical in determining the economic viability of oil and gas reservoirs.
Monitoring Stimulation Treatments

Accurate characterization of the locations, geometry, and dimensions of a hydraulic fracture system makes optimization of reservoir performance possible.
Fracturing Computer-Aided Treatment | InterACT for Stimulation Operations
Offshore vessels

BIGORANGE XVIII Stimulation Vessel | DeepSTIM Stimulation Vessel | DeepSTIM Pronto Offshore Stimulation Equipment | FlexSTIM Offshore Stimulation System
Well Optimization Service

Customize stimulation treatment design and execution to specific reservoir conditions.

Candidate Recognition

Better Wells

Candidate recognition is a key element in improving the economics for producing oil and gas. The process begins with Schlumberger engineers gathering and organizing well data. Then a NODAL systems analysis is performed to determine if the well is producing at or near maximum potential. Specific factors restricting production and their location are determined and wells with the potential for enhanced production from a stimulation treatment are identified.

After the assessment, the overall field is mapped to show the geographic relationship of the wells, their production potentials, and other selected parameters. After identification of the candidates, the Schlumberger engineer develops detailed stimulation treatments.

The DESC Design and Evaluation Services for Clients, where a Schlumberger engineer and the complete range of software and hardware are placed in the client's office, helps in the candidate recognition process.

Monitoring Stimulation Treatments

Accurate characterization of the locations, geometry, and dimensions of a hydraulic fracture system makes optimization of reservoir performance possible.

FracCAT Fracturing Computer-Aided Treatment

Monitor, Record & Control Stimulation Treatments in Real Time

The FracCAT fracturing computer-aided treatment system comprises hardware and software for monitoring, controlling, recording and reporting all types of fracturing treatments. Its real-time displays, plots, surface schematics and wellbore animations present a clear picture of the treatment as it occurs, providing decision-makers with real-time detailed job information from the surface to the perforations.

Technology and software

Using FracCAT technology, treatment design is followed and execution is precise. Integration with the Schlumberger FracCADE design and evaluation software allows job designs to be loaded directly into the FracCAT software.

During the job, the FracCAT system tracks the design and displays actual job parameters compared to planned values. FracCAT software also uses the design to control proppant and additive concentrations in as many as three blenders at the same time. This control capability ensures that actual concentrations follow the plan. Job data are sent to the FracCADE software in real time. If the FracCADE analysis indicates a need for design changes, the changes can be imported directly into the FracCAT software without interrupting the treatment. The FracCAT system works in conjunction with a local area network (LAN) environment, which enables networking of all PCs at the wellsite and also provides a connection to the Internet through satellite or cellular telephone technology. The Internet connectivity provides the ability to transmit real-time data from the remote wellsite to anywhere in the world for real-time analysis.

FracCAT controls make deviations from the schedule, such as extending a proppant stage or starting flush early, as simple as a single mouse-click.


FracCAT hardware includes the latest high-performance PC systems. Innovations such as space-saving flat-panel displays and multiple monitors provide best-in-class presentation of data. All these features inside an ergonomically designed control cabin offer the ultimate job control environment and make the FracCAT system the premier tool for fracturing treatments.

Offshore vessels

We bring stimulation services to the world's high seas. BIGORANGE XVIII is purpose-built for environmentally safe North Sea operations. Rapidly deployed DeepSTIM vessels in the Gulf of Mexico are reliable in severe weather, remaining offshore for long periods. Galaxie is an advanced, versatile well stimulation vessel.
BIGORANGE XVIII Stimulation Vessel

Purpose-built stimulation vessel designed for North Sea operations.
DeepSTIM Stimulation Vessel

Advanced, versatile stimulation fleet equipped with dynamic positioning systems.
DeepSTIM Pronto Offshore Stimulation Equipment

Modular, portable, flexible system designed for offshore supply vessels.
FlexSTIM Offshore Stimulation System

Flexible, high-capacity, rapid stimulation system.

PowerSTIM Well Optimization Service

Maximize Production with Enhanced Reservoir Characterization

PowerSTIM well optimization service gives you fit-for-purpose, solution-oriented technology that is effective in a broad range of reservoirs. We customize stimulation treatment design and execution to the specific conditions in your well or field, based on detailed, accurate formation evaluation and modeling.

Based on our analysis, treatment options, such as acid treatments, fracture treatments, or sand management, are considered. The knowledge gained from each stimulation treatment is used to improve the next job in a continuous, closed-loop process that reduces costs, maximizes production, and increases recovery.

A multidisciplinary team

The first step in the PowerSTIM process is forming the team of geoscientists, reservoir and production engineers, and stimulation designers. Initially, the team concentrates on a small group of wells, typically three to five, depending on field and reservoir complexity.

After collecting and analyzing all available data, the team builds a customized model that describes geology and reservoir dynamics. This model, which accurately predicts key parameters and forecasts production, is used to design optimized treatments for the first group of wells.

After these treatments are executed according to the design, the team evaluates the results and uses them to update the model, important information to optimize the next group of completions. The updated model often is available to decision makers within a few hours after the evaluation is finished.

A better approach

The PowerSTIM informed decision report or IDR an "in-time" report, documents the solutions with a complete, historical record for each well treated. InterACT real-time monitoring and data delivery improves collaboration, allowing you to keep an eye on the treatments as they occur.