Early Production Facilities (EPF) -Multiphase Well Testing and Monitoring

Early Production Facilities (EPF)

Begin production early while full field development is being planned and permanent facilities are being built. Early-production facilities (EPFs) can help operators bring their new discoveries on stream fast. Schlumberger has designed and installed modular, fit-for-purpose EPFs worldwide for more than 30 years and to date has completed approximately 70 projects.

EPFs and fast-track schedules can help operators create an early cash flow with only a minimum cash outlay. They also provide real-time production data that can help operators appraise reservoir performance before they install more-expensive long-term facilities. EPFs can be used for small reserves that would be financially risky or uneconomical to produce with a permanent production facility.

Multiphase Well Testing and Monitoring

Our multiphase flowmeter (MPFM) products and services provide critical well diagnostic information without the complexity of conventional testing operations. With continuous measurements of a well's individual phases without separation, our multiphase measurement capabilities offer many advantages:

* Improved test quality and availability
* Quick well performance trend analyses
* Immediate well diagnostics
* Reduced costs per well tested
* Compact, lightweight, low-maintenance equipment
* Worldwide support for multiphase testing operations
* Multiphase measurement gas mode applicable to oil and gas wells

PhaseTester Multiphase Testing

Measure multiphase flow efficiently with a portable multiphase flow metering service.
PhaseSampler Multiphase Sampling

Capture PVT-quality samples of multiphase fluids at line conditions directly from the flowline.
PhaseWatcher Multiphase Flowmeter

Get permanent multiphase monitoring solutions for onshore and offshore wells.
Vx Technology

Both PhaseTester and PhaseWatcher equipment incorporate Vx technology to acquire superior, dynamic response to fluctuating flow, high-accuracy flow rate measurements, and unmatched resolution and repeatability. Gas mode extends the range of operation for Vx technology from 0% to 100% gas volume fraction (black oil to dry gas). Switching between modes requires only a mouse click.