Oil well Stimulation

Oil well stimulation plays a vital role in production operations. With oil prices at all-time highs, it is imperative from an oil company's perspective and the consumer's perspective that as much production as possible be safely extracted from the reservior .

why do wells need oil well stimulation?
Hydraulic fracturing and acid fracturing in practically all types of formations and oil gravities, when done correctly, have been shown to increase well productivity above that projected in both new and old wells. From an economic standpoint, oil produced today is more valuable than oil produced in the future. Fracturing candidates may not necessarily "need" oil well stimulation, but the economics may show that such a treatment would pay=off.
To understand why remedial stimulation (matrix acidization) is necessary, you have to consider the conditions at work, deep down inside the reservoir...
Before the well is ever drilled, the untapped hydrocarbons sit in the uppermost portions of the reservoir (atop any present water) inside the tiny pore spaces, and in equilibrium at pressures and temperatures considerably different from surface conditions.
Once penetrated by a well, the original equilibrium condition (pressure, temperature, and chemistry) is permanently changed with the introduction of water or oil-based drilling fluids loaded with suspended clays, and the circulation of cement slurries. The interaction of the introduced fluids with those originally present within the reservoir, coupled with pressure and temperature changes can cause a variety of effects which, in turn, can plug the numerous odd-shaped pores causing formation damage. Some of the types of damage include: scale formation, clay swelling, fines migration, and organic deposition.
Petroleum engineers refer to the level of formation damage around the wellbore as skin effect. A numerical value is used to relate the level of formation damage. A positive skin factor reflects damage/impedance to normal well productivity, while a negative value reflects productivity enhancement.
Formation damage, however, is not limited to initial production operations. Remedial operations of all kinds from well killing to well stimulation itself, can cause formation damage. Nor is fines and scale generation limited to the reservoir. They can also develop in the wellbore in casing and tubulars, and be introduced from surface flowlines and incompatible injection fluids. These fines and precipitates can plug pores and pipe throughout an entire oil field.
In short, any operation throughout a well's life can cause formation damage and impede productivity.
types of  Stimulation:-
1- Hydraulic fracturing
2- Acid fracturing

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